Ethics In Aviation Maintenance
When we talk about ethics people tend to throw out a saying of "doing the right thing". But what does that actually mean, "doing the right thing". To understand ethics is to understand morals, and for a person to understand morals this same person must separate their own personal beliefs and put themselves in someone else's shoes. The reason I say this is because we are all different and we all come from a different background, different upcoming, different cultures and beliefs. This can also factor into why people have a different way of how they view right and wrong.
A current issue in the aviation field in todays world is the constant battle between pilots and maintainers. When we hear about crashes like the recent one at Hill AFB and the F-35. maintainers usually panic because most leadership officials will start to nitpick at maintenance things unrelated to the crash. people will start to assume and make up their own story on what they think could've happened. was it pilot error or was at a maintenance error. one thing about ethics in Aviation is that you cant have your own opinion on what's wrong and what's right. we as maintainers have to go by the book. It is pretty much law for us. cutting corners could lead to death or serious injury to aircraft or personal. Professionalism and integrity are the last barriers against unapproved or unwise short cuts. Do the right thing.
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